Thursday, July 30, 2009

Anxiety Fight it! by Cher

Anxiety Fight it! by Cher
You can beat anxiety! You can get your life back! You can feel normal again!

There are many things you can do to help yourself. I would suggest seeing a counselor and asking for some sort of exposure therapy, as well as other therapy offered to get to the root of things.

The best way to get over Anxiety is to be anxious,....sounds weird, but it's true. Once you put yourself in a heightend state of anxiousness and stay there for a bit, realize that the anxiety calms after a bit, with some practice you will soon realize that the anxiety is gone.

Please consult a physisian/counselor/therapist....find someone of whom you feel comfortable with.

Don't wait, do it today!

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For more insight into Panic/Anxiety Attacks!
For more physical help with your Panic/Anxiety!!

Please make sure to read  DISCLAIMER

For more insight into Panic/Anxiety Attacks!
For more physical help with your Panic/Anxiety!!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Anxiety Help by Cher-another tip

Anxiety Help by Cher-Another tip

You can calm yourself down during an anxiety attack! Most people just suffer through it, not realizing how easy it is to get through it. I'm not saying that it will happen right away, it takes time. Please try though, there is not reason to suffer.

Breathing is the key. Take in a deep breath for a count of 10, make sure you breathe properly. If you are breathing properly, when you breath in your stomach should expand, when you let it out, it should deflate.

So breathe in for a count of 10, slowly let it out and let your shoulders drop as you do so. Repeat this slowly a few times, making sure not to hyperventalate.
Please do this in a safe place incase you get dizzy, but if you are getting dizzy, please stop.

You can relax away an Anxiety attack in no time by breathing!

Please make sure to read  DISCLAIMER

For more insight into Panic/Anxiety Attacks!
For more physical help with your Panic/Anxiety!!