Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Afraid to leave the house!

Afraid to leave the House!

I have been there. Sitting in my home, watching the world go by. Seeing my friends and family live a normal life. They go out to play , they go out to their friends, to the store, to the movies, while I sit , terrified that if I step out the door I will have an anxiety/panic attack!

Does this sound like you right now? So many people suffer from agoraphobia, and most start because of depression which causes anxiety and panic attacks.
Usually it starts slowly, just afraid to go to the mall (too many people), then to the corner store, then driving, then, .....I could go on....It continues until you are housebound and don't have a clue how to fix yourself.

I was housebound for 2 years. I hated every aspect of it, it became so I was even afraid to be home alone at all. I thought I would be that way for the rest of my life. I am here to tell you, my new friend, that you can get over it, you can get your life back!

My road to recovery started as simply as the panic did. Baby steps, .......I took a step out side one day....then the next I stayed out a little longer, then the next day I moved even further out. This continued until I could get down my driveway......Slowly I tried new things, going for a short walk with my child, (panic, yes) but I got through it. It took about 2 months to get to the point where I was no longer afraid to go outside. It took even longer, but I now can go to the mall, drive, work, and do most things others can. I still have panic attacks, but I know they cannot hurt me, so I breathe through them. I still have bouts of anxiety when home alone, but they pass.

Listen my point is........If you want to change , you can.....if you want it.....if you want your life back you can have it!!!!!!!

There is much information out there now about what you a doctor who knows.....find a support group , even online , who can help you talk about things.

I did........and so can you!!!!!!

Take a deep breath, and one step out the door! It's a start!


Please make sure to read DISCLAIMER
For more insight into Panic/Anxiety Attacks!

For more physical help with your Panic/Anxiety!!


Arabic-Naruto said...

hi there

i have the same problem as u do .. am afarid to go out side of my house cauz i dont like pepole when they look at me

when i think about going i get angry and confiucd about leaving the house

am always at home and i never go outside

major problem i know :(

now am 20 years old and this asnt the first time i think of going out

Arabic-Naruto said...

hi there

i have the same problem as u do .. am afarid to go out side of my house cauz i dont like pepole when they look at me

when i think about going i get angry and confiucd about leaving the house

am always at home and i never go outside

major problem i know :(

now am 20 years old and this asnt the first time i think of going out

Unknown said...

I understand what you are going through. I know it is a hard thing to deal with. My best advice at the moment is to see a doctor about this. After that , take baby steps, a step outside your door one day, the next day, maybe two steps and so on. If you do a bit everyday, soon you will find that you are down the block and feeling ok. It takes time and its not easy, but not trying will keep you in the house forever.
You can do it, please though , see a doctor.
Take Care Cheryl