Tuesday, June 24, 2008



As my first post on this site I'd like to start of by saying, if you are suffering with Anxiety or Panic Attacks, you will find great tips here to help you get through. Anxiety/Panic is more widespread now than ever before. The disorders have been around for a very long time, but the way we live has added to and increased this problem in millions of people.
We all seem to have similar physical symptoms such as dizziness, neck pain, jaw pain or tightness, virtigo, feeling of not being here, and the list goes on.

It is very treatable and I want you to know that you are not alone. Together we can help you function out in the world again.

If I can do it after 10 years of agony, you can do it in less time with the tips I will give.

Thank you
Come back and we will work together.

Please make sure to read DISCLAIMER
For more insight into Panic/Anxiety Attacks!

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